Golden Itens:
Bramble Longbow(r12)14-28P
LB = 33%
15% Enchanted
+7 Armor(ele dmg)
Dyes and Tomes
3x Ele Tome: 600g each
3x Black Dye: 7k each
3x Reg derv tome: 400g each
1x Elite derv tome: 7k
1x Elite Paragon: 7k
1x Elite Ele Tome: 8k
Strength and Honor: 2k
Let the Memory Live Again (martial): 1k
Hammer Grips:
Furious hammer 10%: 1k
Claws of Broodmother: 1k
88x Pumpkin Cookies: 30k
Ooze: 30k
EDITED by Messy for Improper Thread Prefix: The High End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of 100k or more.