Gold items are inscribable unless noted otherwise. Make me offers on this stuff. Almost any reasonable offer I'll take to clear out inventories/storages.
Contact me her or ingame:
IGN: Daldaen Darkwood
Fiery Bladed Axe - Q9
Fiery Bladed Axe - Q9
Fiery Bladed Axe - Q10
Fiery Bladed Axe - Q10
Fiery Bladed Axe - Q11
War Axe - Q10 (Tyrian 15^50)
War Axe - Q12 (Tyrian +5E)
Zodiac Axe - Q12
Brute Sword - Q9 (Tyrian 15 w/ enchant)
Brute Sword - Q10 (Tyrian 15^50)
Colossal Scimitar - Q13
Flamberge - Q9 (Tyrian 15^50)
Wicked Blade - Q9 (Tyrian 15^50)
Celestial Hammer - Q11
Hawkeye Hammer - Q12
Storm Bow - Q11 (Tyrian 15% -10AL)
Storm Bow - Q12 (Tyrian 15% vs. Hexed)
Vabbian Shortobow - Q9
Earth Staff - Q9
Winged Staff - Q9 Smite
Divine Symbol - Q10
Healing Ankh - Q10
Healing Ankh - Q12
Golden Pillar - Q12 Earth Magic
Guardian Branch - Q9 Earth Magic
Onyx Scepter - Q9 Soul Reap
Serpentine Scepter - Q12 Divine Favor
Voltaic Wand - Q9 Energy Storage
Celestial Shield - Q11 Tactics
Celestial Shield - Q13 Tactics
Diamond Aegis - Q12 Command
Diamond Aegis - Q11 Tactics
Diamond Aegis - Q12 Tactics
Diamond Aegis - Q13 Tactics
Eternal Shield - Q9 Motivation
Eternal Shield - Q13 Motivation
Exalted Aegis - Q11 Strength
Gloom Shield - 9 Strength
Gloom Shield - 9 Strength
Gloom Shield - 9 Tactics
Gloom Shield - 10 Tactics
Guardian of the Hunt - Q9 Strength
Iridescent Aegis - Q9 Motivation
Iridescent Aegis - Q9 Tactics
Antiquated Focus
Byzzr's Benediction
Claws of the Broodmother x 10
Chehbaba's Longbow
Cyndr's Edge
Daggers of Xuekao
Fendi's Rod
Flint's Wand
Grelk's Hammer
Hidesplitter's Daggers
Kerrsh's Staff
Kole's Torment
Malinon's Skull Crusher
Mallyx's Hatred
Mallyx's Longbow
Mallyx's Malice
Mallyx's Motivation
Mallyx's Perpetuity
Morgriff's Staff
Murakai's Blade
Murakai's Reaver
Scythe of Corruption
Shezel's Reaper
Victo's Blade
Zarnas' Wrath
DoA Greens:
Aegis of Aaaaarrrrrggghhh x 1
Divine Shadow Staff x 1
Grim Ghostly Staff x 2
Inspired Shadow Staff x 4
Ritualistic Shadow Staff x 1
Shaunur's Scepter x 1
Stygian Daggers x 3
Stygian Scythe x 2
Stygian Spear x 1
Stygian Wand (Inspiration) x 3
Stygian Wand (Spawning Power) x 2
Turep's Spear x 1
The Bloodspear x 1
Weapon Mods/Inscriptions:
Brawn over Brains == 15% -5E == x 3
Dance with Death == 15% /w Stance == x 4
Don't Call it a Comeback == +7E <50 == x 1
Guided by Fate == 15% /w Enchant == x 6
Hale and Hearty == +5E ^50 == x 4
I Have the Power == +5E == x 6
Ignorance is Bliss == +5AL -5E == x 1
Let the Memory Live Again == HSR 10% == x 1
Leaf on the Wind == +10AL vs Cold == x 1
Live for Today == +15E -1E Regen == x 1
Master of my Domain == +1 Attribute 20% == x 2
Not the Face! == +10AL vs Blunt == x 1
Riders on the Strom == +10AL vs Lightning == x 1
Seize the Day == +15E -1E Regen == x 2
Sheltered by Faith == -2Dmg /w Enchant == x 3
Strength and Honor == 15%^50 == x 20
To Pain! == 15% -10AL == x 3
The Riddle of Steel == +10AL vs Slashing == x 2
+29HP x 1
+30HP x 1
20% Enchant x 1
20/20 AP x 1
20/19 AP x 4
Double Adrenaline x 6
20% Enchant x 1
Double Adrenaline x 1
Zealous x 2
+30HP x 4
20% Enchant x 1
Double Adrenaline x 4
+29HP x 1
+30HP x 3
20% Enchant x 2
20/20 AP x 2
20/19 AP x 3
Zealous x 1
+29HP x 1
20% Enchant x 7
20/19 AP x 2
Double Adrenaline x 1
+30 HP (Head) x 8
+30 HP (Wrapping) x 6
+5E x 2
10% HCT x 2
20% HCT x 1
+1 Attribute 20% x 5
+1 Attribute 19% x 1
+30 HP x 4
20% HCT x 1
19% HCT x 2
20% HSR x 4
19% HSR x 2
+29 HP x 2
+30 HP x 2
Miscellaneous :
Gemsets - 12k Each
Daldaen's Sales
Ic Zero
1k q13 colossal
3k focus core of aptitude
Ign: christie soulreaper
3k focus core of aptitude
Ign: christie soulreaper
Illyana's Staff 5k
Modti's Depravation 5k
thanks =)
Modti's Depravation 5k
thanks =)
15k Eternal Shield q9 Tactics
Kerrsh's Staff 6k
IGN Kyoketsu Shogei
IGN Kyoketsu Shogei
I'll take a Bloodspear, a Stygian spear, and a Turep's 2k/each =D?
IGN Isolina Black
IGN Isolina Black
Bumping want to sell more!
Bump sold to everyone who has contacted me ingame. Need to sell more.
Bump please.
EDITED by Misfire200 for BUMPING AN OLD THREAD: This thread is old. Please check the seller/buyer's thread activity before making a post!
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.
Please read our Ventari's Corner Guidelines to avoid any further violations.