Wintergreen Spear
sold i/g
Wintergreen Sword
sold i/g
unded Eye of Janthir
b/o - 30e
EL Acolyte Jin
sold i/g
unded Varesh
b/o - ??
unded Candysmith Marley
sold i/g
unded King Adelbern
b/o - ??
also some weapons, just throw offers - all OG, no inscriptions
zodiac sword r12 15/-10
ceremonial daggers r10 15^50
zodiac daggers r11 15^50
zodiac daggers r13 15^50
zodiac daggers r10 15^50
zodiac axe r12 15/-5
zodiac axe r10 +5energy
Zodiac longbow r9 +5energy
zodiac axe r12 15^50
runic axe r11 +5 energy
ironwing flatbow r8 15/-10
zodiac sword r8 14/-10
chaos axe r10 15^50
golden phoenix blade r10 15/stance
i haven't played since 2007, so i have no clue what these are worth anymore
my IGN is True Warrior, just whisper me
Wintergreen spear/sword, eye of janthir, EL acolyte jin, etc