PC - Double Vamp Weapon


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2010




Have had this weapon quite awhile now.. was wondering if anyone would know how much something like this is worth, if its worth anything at all..

Its provides a double vamp, and you get -2 degen. As I understand it, these dropped at a stage, however anet supposedly fixed this and fixed all the weapons, however this one remained with an inherrent vamp mod.

I dont know if it's actually worth anything, being a bugged weapon, but if someone has any idea...




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2008

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Originally Posted by Saifon View Post
Its provides a double vamp, and you get -2 degen. As I understand it, these dropped at a stage, however anet supposedly fixed this and fixed all the weapons, however this one remained with an inherrent vamp mod.
Whoever told you this was...umm...wrong.

Although rareish they still drop and such. Its one handed and a decent skin with a low req so thats counting for it... a big killer on it though is the 14% rather then 15...

I cant give an exact number but yeah... just wanted to point out the flaw in your post.

Bright Star Shine

Bright Star Shine

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Nov 2009


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50k ish imo, if not up to 100k, because of the skin


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2010

Fort Worth, Tx



^^ agree with 50k it's not max +14/-1 kills the price, as any non max mod on any old school weapon does. and agree with End- these still always drop, i got a few over the past year or so