gruul storage sell

Gruul Archangel

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2011

as we all know. times come when ure storage is wayyyyyyy to full....
today it is my turn.
my storage is filled with loads of stuff here are some:
1 leet ele tome
1 ancient shiled (q9) of fort (+28 or 29) with -5\20%
some DOA greens... perfect hero junk.
got lots of mats for practiclly everything (consets makers beware... i dont sell to ya) also got passege scrolls to everywhere glacial stones and more tomes by the truckload (bout 36 reg mes 22 reg war 17 reg ranger and more)
also: i can get it for ya section!
i do a wide range of farming and strange things come my way... if u look for 1 ofthose strange things post it here as well and ill try to "get it for ya! :P"