want to sell the following mini pets: (prices from guru price check forum)
Lich (2nd year gold) - SOLD
Eye of Janthir (4th year green) - 20e (or equivalent)
raptor (3rd year white) - SOLD
cave spider (3rd year white) - 10k
Heket Warrior (2nd year white) - 6k
Harpy Ranger (2nd year white) - 6k
Whiptail Devourer (1st year white) - 3k
feel free to contact me in game as well. add to friends list because i can also be on other characters. prices can be slightly negotiated.
IGN: Ironic Saviour
WTS unded mini-pets
ironic s
ironic s
bring up my post
ironic s
bring up my post
Heket Warrior for 5k?
ign: Professional Sin
ign: Professional Sin
Lich for 45k
IGN : Auron Kurosaki
IGN : Auron Kurosaki