So I need a runner to get me through the entire Prophecies campaign in BOTH [NM] and [HM]
Oh! Good thing I didn't forget, I am missing a majority of the outposts and can't be bothered to run to them by myself. (I'm sure most of them will be unlocked and directly zoned to.. after you beat a mission). Currently @ Gates of Kryta, straight from Lion's Arch.
So, looking for an outpost runner. If you can do both (run the mission(s) and run through outposts), thats a BIG Plus!
I will most likely be AFK, but on the slight chance that I won't.. Post prices for BOTH afk and non-afk.
Please post the following:
NM~ afk ($$$?) no afk ($$$?)
HM~ afk ($$$?) no afk ($$$?)
Thanks in advance!
P.S - Cheapest price offers win --------
IGN: Astro Midnight