Closed: LF Tyria NM/HM Mission & Outpost Runner



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2008

2k09 - golden gvg days



Hey, I used to do these missions myself. However, I barely have the time or patience to do these missions anymore.

So I need a runner to get me through the entire Prophecies campaign in BOTH [NM] and [HM]

Oh! Good thing I didn't forget, I am missing a majority of the outposts and can't be bothered to run to them by myself. (I'm sure most of them will be unlocked and directly zoned to.. after you beat a mission). Currently @ Gates of Kryta, straight from Lion's Arch.

So, looking for an outpost runner. If you can do both (run the mission(s) and run through outposts), thats a BIG Plus!

I will most likely be AFK, but on the slight chance that I won't.. Post prices for BOTH afk and non-afk.

Please post the following:

NM~ afk ($$$?) no afk ($$$?)

HM~ afk ($$$?) no afk ($$$?)

Thanks in advance!

P.S - Cheapest price offers win --------

IGN: Astro Midnight


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2010

England, UK


Hey, I'd gladly run most if not all of the missions and the outposts because I need them on my Sin for his titles, I'd most likely do it all for free but you can tip me if you want. I'll be on pretty much all the time but can't properly run till start of the weekend so feel free to send me a message in-game if you'd like me to run you. My IGN name is 'Il Paulleh Il' but usually playing on 'Desolated Dreams'