What is Castermodded?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010

The Resurrected Lions [TRL]



Recently I got my Obsidian Edge Q10 out of FoW and I am wanting to sell it. I heard that if you make your Edge or w/e castermodded you can sell it for 5e or so more.

My only problem is that I have no heck of an idea what castermodded for a sword is, so if someone is nice enough to explain it to me i'd be gratefull

Thanks, Stuiver.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2010



+20% longer enchantments and + 5 energy mod on it.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010

The Resurrected Lions [TRL]


And no sword Hilt i think?



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


Not usually, no.

Although you can add certain Sword Hilts to make certain skills more effective, such as a Crippling Sword Hilt to lengthen Cripple from YMLAD, etc.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010

The Resurrected Lions [TRL]


OK thanks for the help



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Aug 2005


Brothers Disgruntled

Contrary to what you may have been told, it's actually better to sell it "as is" without any special mods, unless the mods are already on it. The reason for that is that you are narrowing down your target buying audience. It is easier for someone to buy a sword and then add mods to it, than to buy a sword and then have to remove/replace mods to get the mods they particularly want. For example, what if someone is looking for that sword (skin) but doesn't want caster mods? They are not going to want to pay extra for mods they don't want.
Also, it's not likely that you'll add more to the price than what the mods are worth. That is, you can get as much money (and sell them faster) by selling the sword and mods separately. If you think it will help, you could offer the sword and the mods as a "package" - but note that a "package" deal is usually cheaper than buying/selling separately.
And, finally - there's no way you could add 5e to the price just by adding those two mods that are only worth around 5-6k at most.

Fate Crusher

Fate Crusher

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


Warlords Of The Underworld [WoTU]


lol 5 ectos more for modding it?

Firstly: No. How does that make sense? If you can purchase the mods for 5k, how does that increase the value of the weapon overall? The buyer can just buy the mods himself for 5k.

Secondly: the Enchanting mod and +5 energy is quite nab. These things should be used on defensive sets. Enchanting mods should be on staffs (40/20/20%).

But I guess you won't be selling that to a PvP player anyways. Just sell it clean (or with whatever mods you have), and allow the buyer to mod it themself.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2007

Farming for Nick gifts


I was once selling a q9 VS and had 2 potential buyers say "LOL NOOB! Its not even caster moded or dyed black!!!11!!!1!"
People are so lazy that they won't even buy what they want if it means they have to buy the mods too. So it may be good to have the mods around in storage in case you come across buyers that are dumb as dirt.