left to right, top to bottom. (for greens see the sticky page on PC forum)
sword; hero/merch, might want to salvage ench mod
green staff- (for greens see the sticky page on PC forum)
knuckles, 1k tops VERY COMMON
hammer- merch
longsword ~10k
green ghostly ~(for greens see the sticky page on PC forum)
shiros 3k
tetsubo~ merch unwanted inherit
dadao 10-15k
inscribed staff ~5-10k
daggers merch
bludgeoner merch
sephis sword definitely merch
sai merch/hero -> common
jade hammer merch
vertebreaker 5k maybe
wand merch
green foci (for greens see the sticky page on PC forum)
marble hammer, can't read the requirement
goth 15-20k
reaver merch
idol merch
break hammer 15k
shiel of the wing 10k
scythe merch
ivory hammer merch
defender merch
mods are usually 3-5k each for the ones in demand such as +30, zealous and furious
15^50 is 1-1.5k
elemental hilts areworthless-2k tops(spear ones)
ps. try not to post too many at a single time, this will decrease the interest of people ginving their opinion, simply because it will take too long...
EDIT: i see you have 2 threads on the PC forum within 24 hours, DELETE ONE or your threads will be closd and you will risk a ban..