Hello! I just got back into the game today and am seeking to establish some connections since I don't know anyone. I have some game knowledge since I used to play a long, long time ago. Coming back, I know very little and wish to start up a new character to play a campaign.
I'd love it if I could get some people who would be interested in coming along with me!
If not, I could always use someone to talk, a friend.
I usually play late at night, past the evening hours. Sometimes in the afternoons.
Looking for Friends and/or Someone to Level/Do Missions With
Dn M
I can help you if you need.
Because of school i Play mostly at weekends.
Just curious, on which campaign will you start?
Pm me in game
Dn M
Because of school i Play mostly at weekends.
Just curious, on which campaign will you start?
Pm me in game
Dn M
Well, I'd play in any campaign anyone would be willing to play with me in, but since I think it may take me a little while to find someone, I'm going to start off in Nightfall.
I'm going to start in Nightfall also, my rangers name is Daniel Marwick
Count me in.
IGN Reaching Atoll
IGN Reaching Atoll
I'm always looking for people to do missions with, hit me up whenever. IGN Thia Moonblade
I recently started a monk in Nightfall. Hit me up and maybe we can go through it together.
IGN. Oppyou Knowme
IGN. Oppyou Knowme