HM Proph M+B Runs Needed
I'm seeking the following runs in HM -- missions AND bonuses -- in order to do title completion. These are the missions and the price I'll pay for M+B on each one:
All missions completed, thanks so much!
I can be reached in-game at Siba Aratinga, or via this thread of course. Thank you!
All missions completed, thanks so much!
I can be reached in-game at Siba Aratinga, or via this thread of course. Thank you!
i can do some of these for u
darkarrow shooter
darkarrow shooter
Draak Calinca
I can do nundu for you
ign: wydz reaps benefits
ign: wydz reaps benefits
Bumping this to call notice to changes -- I've put my ritualist on the back burner in favor of working on title progression for HoM points on my main. Please note that all missions are HM now. Thank you!
pawning jock
i can do some for you
Ward Of Protection
Ward Of Protection
Bumping this; I've added prices I'll pay in the top posts and changed the title to reflect the current need for Proph missions.
I can run 8-man areas for u.
the mordiego
the mordiego
I'll be online this evening (GMT+1) and help you out with the missions posted, can most likely do them all in one evening
IGN Magic Ling
IGN Magic Ling
I apologize Ling, I didn't see this last night -- I'll be available tomorrow or for a few hours more now, and I've added you.
Rushin Roulette
I can run all those missions for you as well if you dont see Ling;
The prices look the same as the ones in Smokeys services which I run for anyways
I can run all those missions for you as well if you dont see Ling;
The prices look the same as the ones in Smokeys services which I run for anyways

All missions have been run, thank you to those who gave me a hand; doubtless I'll be back in to these forums in the future to get things done for books! Thanks again!