Need a Pc on this shield
Reinforced buckler
+10vs undead
Ty in advance
Closed: Dual mod shield
ben ken sven
Bright Star Shine
Very useful mods in FoW and SoO, only it's a shitty skin. I wouldn't sell below 80k tbh
ange misericordieux
For me, it's merch'food...
For me, it's merch'food...
Matrix Arcade
Tbh, 10-20k or so.. I'd merch it. It has close to the worst skin in the game and +10vs undead is cool and all but its still not epic.
animal fighter
5-10k/merch. . . . . .
Bright Star Shine
@The other PC's, try selling in Vlox Falls or to active FoW tanks, you'll easily get 30k offers imo.. Or that's just me
o m g pizowned
ya, regardless of the skin, its a 10vs/-2ench shield...agreeing with star