Closed: Need some outpost runs
closed, thanks to all who helped =)
Samite Guardian
Hello, i can do the 2 runs from La to Ascalon, if you'd like. Pm me here or in-game if i'm online. -IGN- Samite Guardian.
still looking for for some runs
I can do all the runs you need except for the Droks runs but I am sure I can muster up some runs for you.
Send me a PM in Game:
Fuilteach Scath
Send me a PM in Game:
Fuilteach Scath
I'll be able to run everything above that you need for free, my IGN is 'Desolated Dreams'
still looking for Desolation/Vabbi tour for any realistic price =)
Miss Dervissh
I can do it for you.
Just say what towns you want, all desolation outposts? all vabbi?
PM me in game: Miss Dervissh
Just say what towns you want, all desolation outposts? all vabbi?
PM me in game: Miss Dervissh