Hey folks... as the title says i want to sell some unded MP's
Buynow only
Zhu Hanuku - 18 e
Shiro - 45K
Flowstone Elemental - 45K
Charr Shaman - 8K
Seer - 50K
Fire Drake - 50K
2x Dredge Brute - 20K each --> both for 35K
2x Roaring Ether - 10K each --> both for 18K
Abyssal - 8K
have fun
Minipets (all unded)
Idath Blackheart
Idath Blackheart
Idath Blackheart
If you're still selling;
Charr Shaman - 8k
IGN: Zai Laeya
Charr Shaman - 8k
IGN: Zai Laeya