Sweet/Party Points/Summon Stones/Saurian Scythe


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2011


On sweets and party points, I know about the general rule of 150-180 per point but I don't know which ones are spammable (I think all the sweets I listed are, but dunno about the party ones), or worth more because of their other effects (Red Rock Candy, for example). I would appreciate any legitimate offers as I haven't played in a while and have little to no idea on the sweets, party points, and stone values.

Honestly, I'm just trying to get armor and weapons for my HoM in eager anticipation of GW2, so fair offers that get me a good way toward that goal would be great, thank you very much!

Red Rock Candy (10) Thanks Ling!
Blue Rock Candy (20) Thanks Ling!
Green Rock Candy (30) Thanks Ling!
Creme Brulee (4) Thanks Ling!
Krytan Lokum (2) Thanks Ling!
Jars of Honey (20) Thanks Ling!

Champagne Poppers (10) Thanks Ling!
Sparklers (50) Thanks Ling!
Cottontail Tonics (15) Thanks Ling!
Disco Balls (3) Thanks Ling!
Mysterious Tonics(45) Thanks for your purchase misfire200!
Bottle Rockets (20) Thanks Ling!

Summoning Stones
Mysterious (20) Retracted - Sold IG
Mercantile (15) Retracted - Sold IG

Regular Mesmer Tomes (84) @ 250g per
Gold, r9 max inscrib Heavy Saurian Scythe with hp +30, 12k

Thanks for taking the time to read my post!

***Mods you may close this post, thank you! ***




Join Date: Nov 2007

Playing GW2 on EU - FSP, pm me for contact details

Fellowship of the [Ling]

Red Rock Candy (10) 2k ea
Blue Rock Candy (20) 1k ea
Green Rock Candy (30) 400g ea
Creme Brulee (4) 350g ea
Krytan Lokum (2) 350g ea
Jars of Honey (20) 250g ea

Champagne Poppers (10) 110g ea
Sparklers (50) 110g ea
Cottontail Tonics (15) 150g ea
Disco Balls (3) 700g ea
Mysterious Tonics (45) 450g ea
Bottle Rockets (20) 110g ea

IGN Magic Ling



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

Atlanta, GA

Everlasting Sacred Path


Mysterious tonics x45 - 500g ea

IGN - Daesimir Starfyre


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2011


Ling - I've been looking for you IG but haven't had any luck. When will you be around? Thanks!

nigro marcia

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2007

guardianes de elona


Summoning Stones
Mysterious (20)
Mercantile (15)
7k on them
IGN Nigro Marcia

Olele Olala

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2011

I buy saurian scythe
IGN: Olele Olala