From what I understand the positive effects runes do not stack with the effects of runes of the same attribute, however Rune of Vitae is an exception.
So for example:
Could I have Rune of Superior Vigor +50 hp on feet
Rune of Vitae +10 hp on legs
Survivor's insignia on chest +15hp
Rune of Vitae +10 hp on hands
for a total of +85 hp? Or do they not stack? Or perhaps there is a better combination to maximize ones hp?
Thanks for your time!
Runes - How Do Health Bonuses Work?
Marty Silverblade
When something says '(stacking)', you can have as many of them as you like and combine them with other health bonuses. So multiple Vitae runes are fine. Multiple Survivor insignia* are fine. Vigor runes are labeled '(not stacking)', so essentially only the one with the highest potency will work. If you had a Superior Vigor and a Minor Vigor, you'd only get +50hp because they don't stack.
To more directly answer your question, you could use a Sup Vigor and as many Vitae runes and Survivor insignia as you like.
*You can have both an insignia and a rune on a single piece of armor. Your example implies you don't realise this.
To more directly answer your question, you could use a Sup Vigor and as many Vitae runes and Survivor insignia as you like.
*You can have both an insignia and a rune on a single piece of armor. Your example implies you don't realise this.
Awesome, that makes sense. Thanks Marty!
Best of vigors + all of vitalities + all of survivors - all the health minuses. Put simply.
You could have runes of vitae on head, chest, hands and legs plus survivor's insignia on head, chest, hands, legs and feet. With the superior vigor on your feet you would have a total additional health of 130. Add in a staff with plus 60 health and that's a whopping 190 extra!
Important note: DO NOT DO THIS.
Important note: DO NOT DO THIS.