A/R Solo Celestial Weapon Farm with video (650 foes/hour)
From The Blackness
This is a rather efficient Celestial Weapon farm for the A/R. You can, zoning time included, kill about 650 foes per hour. Many goodies drop out here in addition to celestial weapons: Golds, amber chunks, lockpicks, monk tomes, etc.
Template Code: OwJU4lPbRsSHQ8I6MPH3lCH4OQH
Originally Posted by greenough
Template Code: OwJU4lPbRsSHQ8I6MPH3lCH4OQH
Quote: Originally Posted by gw_poster I'm betting your run takes 2-3 min per. If you watch the video, it's about 1:32 plus zoning time, which would put it somewhere around 1:45-1:50.
They break aggro very easily unless I walk backwards.
In the same way a tank for DoA pulls in City, you will need to pull for this. That is to say, do not aggro them when they are having their "meeting." When they run together in a tight ball, they will not pull much. Aggro while they are meandering around.