Question about Armors in GWs?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2010

Hello everyone,
I have played GWs now on and off for about 2 years and am finally getting my characters near or close to lvl 20. (15s at the moment). But the one thing I keep seeing with some other players running around the towns, (IE Warrior for example) is that some still have the same armors as I do, or those at start of the game.

Now, I have all three expansions, but lets just focus on Prophecies for the time being, so far, every Armor NPC that I've been to, pre lvl 15, has offered either one of these armors. Ascalon & Char. I know there are collectors out there that offer the Krytan armor as well. (I have that one currently and like it)

But, after reading my GWs PROP guild book, which I know is extremely outdated, they have listed tons of armors you can find via collectors, that I don't see. (IE Wyvern, Dragon, Gladiator, Knight, etc) I also know you can purchase other costume pieces with real money at the GWs store, but thats not what I'm referring to here.

Are these just available at lvl 20 or did ArenaNet do away with most of the armors you can collect in the game guides and just made Krytan the only one you can collection throughout the game?

I would like to change the look of my characters up a bit and hope I'm not looking the same at 20 as I did at 6. Can anyone help clear this up for me?



Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Certain armor skins are only offered at certain crafters. In Ascalon City, you'll only have a generic set and Charr Hide, as you mention. Once you get to Yak's Bend, you'll have access to Gladiators (in addition to the previous two). Once you get to Lion's Arch, you have access to Wyvern (in addition to the previous three), and so on.

Click on a specific set for more info:


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2010

I see now, Marty! I kind of figured I would have access to other armors the later I got into the game. (In Yaks right now) This is great to hear, thanks again for clearing this up for me.
