Selling some items,mods, and inscriptions

john click

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2009


I'm cleaning out my chest of mods,inscriptions,weapons,mini, and polymock pieces!
I'm looking to sell these items:

celestial shield of fortitude shield q10 tactics +30 hp (fortitdue) -5 physical dmg chance 19% (luck of the draw)
2x seize the day mods (+15 -1 energy)
Wand wrapping of memory (halves skill recharge on spell items attribute)
2x Insightful staff head (+5 energy)
hale staff head (+30 hp)
Axe grip of defense (+5 armor)
Dont call it a comeback(+7 energy when health is below 50%)
Fiery axe haft
Great conch q9 inscriable
Droknor insipration focus
Shons' reaver
Silencing spear haft(lengthens daze 33%)
Let the memory live again(halve skill recharge of spells 10%)
mini juggernaunt (non ded)
Zodiac scepter of quickness q9 divine favor inscriable
mini temple gurdian
staff wrapping of fortitude
Show me the money(improved sale value)
zealous sword hilt(-1 +1 every hit energy)
Sword pommel of fortitude
Mirage lboga polymock piece
Fire elemental polymock piece

Ign: John Click or Went Hint
PM Me with offers or post offers here



Forge Runner

Join Date: Oct 2008



Droknor insipration focus 4k