Closed: Q8 15^50 and +5e oldsql several PC's



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2007

Ascalon INT1


I would like to have PC's on several Items.


Butterfly Sword Q8 15^50 and +5e
Crenelated Sword Q8 15^50 and +5e
Celestial Sword Q8 15^50 and +5e
Sunquai Blade Q8 15^50 and +5e
Katana Q8 15^50 and +5e
Jitte Q8 15^50 and +5e
Fellblade Q8 15^50 and +5e
Fiery Dragon Sword Q8 +5e
Flameberge Q8 +5e
Wingblade Q8 15^50 and +5e
Gothic Blade +5e

Chaos Axe Q8 15^50 and +5e
GDA Q8 +5e
Sephis Axe Q8 15^50 and +5e
Tyrian Hand Axe Q8 +5e

I would be very happy if you could PC me this things.





WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

Butter 15^50 25e / +5e ~350e. Doubt u find one. one got sold recently.. Kabong got it i think and wont sell

Crenalled 15^50 40e // +5e 50-60e

Celestial 15^50 40e // +5e 150e

Sunqua 15^50 ~250e Imo. Hard to say. There hasnt been any for sale in long time.. // +5e id say 400-600e depending intrest..

Katana 15^50 100e // +5e 200-250e

Jitte 15^50 ~400e // +5e 500-600e

Fell 15^50 40-50e // +5e Impossible say & find.. 1000e+

Fds +5e Impossible to find. havent seen one since 07.. 300-400e+ id say if found

Flamberge +5e Never seen/heard of one.. id say 300e-400e+ same as fds

Wingblade r8 15^50 15-20e // +5e 250eish Think todes sold one for around that lil ago..

Gothic Blade +5e 60eish

Chaos axe 15^50 ~70-80e // +5e U wont find .. 1000e+

GDA +5e ~ 250-300e Imo

Sephis axe 15^50 ~500e id say // +5e never heard / seen one.. 1000e+ if one excists

Tyrian hand +5e Only ever seen kurupters which is custod.. doubt theres another.. 500e+ Imo if there is