q8 plaugeborn sword +5nrg

Rangers Death

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2007

H E L L S Satans [HELS]


just found this on one of my old accounts and was wondering how much it is worth
plaugeborn sword
dmg 15-22 (req 8)
+5 energy
20% enchanting

Thank you guys for the responses



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2006


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Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2007

so cal


That's a lovely sword. I'd kick it up a notch and say 200-225e

Edit: phew. Glad I dont have a spare 200e atm

ange misericordieux

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2008

Gamer In Real Life[GIRL]


agree with Coast, more around 175/200e.



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

~100e.. .. .. why this sword wud be 200eish? O.o

animal fighter

animal fighter

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2009

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Animal Fightas Inc [?????????]

agree with pleikki, I've seen the same sword for sale in kamadan with a b/o of 120e for over 2 weeks now, and apparently nobody has put 120e up for it.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2010

Somewhere far away from you

The Mirror of Reason[SNOW]


Someone was actually selling this in kamadan for 120e. Seen him spam for days and days. agree with the 2 above posts.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2011

bleh, lowball or not price depends on how long youre willing to spend selling it. if you wanna sell it same day sure 100e is a nice price. if you wanna spam this and ten other items like it in kama for the next 12 months. gogo 250 or 500e. sooner or later you'll find a sucker




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Agree of the low ball comment - I would not take most of the price checks on here seriously. Always get lots of extra opinions.

.....but I haven't seen any of these go anywhere near 200e ... I'd be happy with 100e for that.

Edit: Agree on Argosoft being a stupid way of getting solid price checks. Could be easily manipulated- just like this forum could be and has been quite often through the years. I've already talked to several people in game that told me they were flat out lied to about prices so people could get deals. More than just "lowballing" going on.

o m g pizowned

Site Contributor

Join Date: Aug 2006

yeah, sorry...there is no reason this should be 200e. just because a group of 4 or 5 people want req8 +5 swords doesn't mean everyone does...coast if you are willing to pay 200e+ for this sword then go right ahead..but no one else will



hamonite anur ruk

Join Date: Jan 2006

Echovald Forest

[PhD] Teh Academy


I wouldn't go by Argos Soft as if it were the bible, either. All it takes is a couple of people dedicated to spamming, "WTS blah blah for 30e", when it ordinarily sells for far more, to flood Argos and thus make people believe that this is the official new price for something.

Treat price checks like doctors opinions, get as many as you can before doing something drastic. Most of the traders buy things to trade, not to keep and when they buy it, they're already thinking about how much they can make off of it if they flip it.

I've seen this sword go from 85-175e and like was said above, you'll sell it within the top range of that if you're willing to spend a lot of time and find someone with more ecto than common sense, but it's likely going to go conservatively and closer to 130e.

spun ducky

spun ducky

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

WTB: q8 bows


90-100e imo

1.My reasoning is this plagueborn was one of the most common low req canthan skins.

2.Plagueborn skin isn't really in right now.

3.+5 energy sword collectors are few and far between most will already have this for their collection.

4.While people low ball like hell and argos is a price checker to be taken very lightly it does show some trend to demand.

5.The majority of the people who would actually buy this or could afford this on either extreme of the price spectrum seem to not be lining up around the block to buy it.

6.If you want to sell it now your going to get 90-100e. If you want to wait a few months and see if it becomes a more favorable skin you may get the 150-200e.