Doubt its worth much but oh well
Spawning Wand (req12 Spawning)
Halves Casting Time 10%
Halves Skill Recharge of Restoration Spells 20%
Closed: canthan spawning wand
Gabriel of Ravn
Since winged staff only comes in smiting it can only be 20\20 in monk attributes. Aka 20% HSR and 20% divine favor \ heal \ smite \ prot. Therefore it's one heck of a lot more common in q9 20\20 then say a Bo Staff since even if a Bo staff drops the second mod can be 20% in any attribute of any caster class.
Spawning wand is a lot more interesting. Hard to price check though since it's a low volume item
Spawning wand is a lot more interesting. Hard to price check though since it's a low volume item
High spawning req hurts the 20/10 wand and not being 20/20 also hurts the wand, but it's still probably worth 20-25k to me as is.
Gabriel of Ravn
Bump took out the staff just want a couple more opinions on the wand.
R12 and 20/10 I'd be happy with 30k