Selling Bits and Bobs


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2010


No set prices. I may sell these in game if I happen across someone wanting to buy them.

- Elite Mesmer
- Elite Elementalist
- Elite Monk
- 4 Necromancer
- Mesmer

Random Things:
17 Victory Tokens
18 Battle Commendations
3 Kournan Coins
6 Trade Contacts
2 Luxon Totems
26 Monastery Credits
9 Imperial Commendations
Book of Secrets
Primeval Armour Remnant
Droknars Key
Shining Blade War Horn
37 Destroyer Cores

5 Crates of Fireworks
3 Zaishen Tonics
Keg of Aged Hunters Ale
Aged Dwarven Ale
10 Mysterious Tonics
4 Cottontail Tonics
10 Jars of Honey
7 Golden Eggs
2 Chocolate Bunnies

Mods & Inscriptions:
4 "Strength & Honor" Inscriptions (+15% ^ 50%)
"Seize The Day" Inscription (+15e -1e Regen)
Staff Wrapping of Enchantment (+20%)
Dagger Handle of Fortitude (+30hp)
Vampiric Scythe Snathe

Passage Scroll to Fissures of Woe

Just need to clear for the space.

In game name: Zepher Tourando - Mainly on GMT timezones, afternoon, and occasionally the late evening.