Hi I got a couple of extra minipets. I'm accepting plats, ectos, shards (trader -1k), minis I need (list bellow). I used prices from GwEstimator
Armbrace 21 ectos (no other items)
Burning Titan 1th 8k
Krait Neoss 4th 15k
Hydra 1th 2k 4k
Fire Imp 2th
Heket Warrior 2th 4k
Thorn Wolf 2th 4k
Mursaat 3th 10k
Raptor 3th 10k
Need: (purple and bellow for now)
Shiro 1th gold
Kirin 1th purple
Lich 2th gold
Water Djinn 2th Gold
Palawa Joko 2th purple
Elf 2th purple
The Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh 3th Gold
White Rabbit 3th Gold
Freezie 3th Purple
Ooze 3th Purple
Abyssal 3th
Cave Spider 3th
Cloudtouched Simian 3th
Roaring Ether 3th
Dagnar Stoneplate 4th gold
Flame Djinn 4th gold
Flowstone Elemental 4th purple
Jora 4th purple
Nian 4th Purple
Quetzal Sly 4th
Terrorweb Dryder 4th
Word of Madness 4th
King Adelbern 5th gold
Zhu Hanuku 5th gold
Candysmith Marley 5th Purple
Oola 5th Purple
Ventari 5th Purple
Cobalt Scrabara 5th
Ophil Nahuaili 5th
Scourge Manta 5th
Seer 5th
Shard Wolf 5th
Celestial Pig
Celestial Rat
Celestial Ox
Celestial Tiger
I'm not online alot so pls post so I'll be expecting you
Selling / Trading Minipets + Armbrace
pawning jock
i got
Dagnar -65k
ventari -65k 120k if you buy both
roaring ether - 10k
Ward of Protection
Dagnar -65k
ventari -65k 120k if you buy both
roaring ether - 10k
Ward of Protection
bring up my post
Murthag The Great
Vent and oola both 60K each
Candysmith 100K
Candysmith 100K
I'll buy
Desert Griffon 15k
Stone Giant Herder 25k
Dredge Brute 15k
Fire Drake 25k
IGN: Juusto Teh Monk
Desert Griffon 15k
Stone Giant Herder 25k
Dredge Brute 15k
Fire Drake 25k
IGN: Juusto Teh Monk