Hey guys looking for some canthan missions and vanqs to be done.
Tahanki Temple VQ = 3k
Budek Byway VQ = 3k
Gyala Hatchery HM = 20k
SUnjang District HM= 12k
Vizuhnah Square Foreign HM =12k
Pm me in game if you can do any of these on
Priest Mhelno
Hm cantha
Deatgs Corrupter
the one you love to hate
i can do some of them in another 6 hours. i am at work right now. ign Balths Knight
Tahanki Temple VQ = 3k
Budek Byway VQ = 3k
Gyala Hatchery HM = 20k
SUnjang District HM= 12k
IGN Magic Ling
Budek Byway VQ = 3k
Gyala Hatchery HM = 20k
SUnjang District HM= 12k
IGN Magic Ling