10 Jun 2011 at 00:15 - 2
1 Merch not max dmg
2 use on hero or Pc 8-15k
3 hero or Pc 2-4k
4 Merch - Save +10 vs pircing
5 Merch , hard to sell vs hexed
6 Hero or Pc 12 -20k
7 Merch bad mods , mayby more opinions
8 Merch - save that 10% adrenaline i think people buying
9 , 10 , 11 Merch
12 40k+
13 To bad one mode , Merch
14 hero or Pc 7 -12k
15 hero or Pc 2 -5k
16 not sure is merch , i sold myself some ancient scythe 3 - 7k, even more if that 10% adrenaline is worth ( i dont use dervish)
17 hero or merch , 10% adrenaline spear 10k+
18 , 20 good for heros why not
19 merch
21 merch
22 merch shield , save the Insc
23 ( mayby 2k) , 24 merch
25 merch
26 15k+
27 good for hero
28, 29, 30 ,31 merch
32 good for hero , insc is good save it
33 merch
34 merch not max
35 hero or Pc 2-4k
36 merch
37 15k+
38 merch
39 merch
40 5 -10k
41 merch
42 save +30 staff , merch the staff
44 ......51 merch
52 save 20/20 bow , merch the bow
53 merch ( you can save zealous if you need or sell it 1-2k)
54 merch
55 mayby 6 -11 k, because of the mods .....but hard to sell
56 merch
57 3-7k
58 save insc, merch sword
59 8 - 13k , mayby more oldscool
60 not rare , mayby hero or 2-4k
61 merch
62 save insc. merch sword
63 save +30 , merch sword