WTS Some mats and scrolls etc



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2009

x7 Primval Armor Remnants - 6k/ea

Necromancer Tomes x3 | 400g/ea

-> ING Neko Naiami <-
* I do appreciate feedback, but it's not req. I try to trade with you as soon as I can.
*I'm EURO thought so don't worry if I'm not on. I will try to be on as much as I can when
I have trades like these open and going.
* I always will add you, if you give me your ING to check whenever you're online.
* I won't PM you if you are on Away, I respect your status, but please understand that if
you're one of those who's constantly on away, I won't PM you at all. Then it's your responsibility to PM me!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2011

Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania

Arbitrary Guild Name [Tag]


I'll take 9 Primeval Armor Remnants for 54k.
IGN: Nicholas Grayfox

Excellent trader. Thanks so much!

Sarax The Hateful

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2007

Epic Fails


Warrior Tomes x3 Elementalist Tome x1 | All 400g/ea
x7 Diamonds - 2k/ea

ign Sarax The Hateful



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2009



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2008

Council of Iris


I'll take your onyx gems please

Thank you!


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2011


21 Lock Picks - 1,2k/ea

IGN: Trueblade Fabbles

Edit: Sorry about that - I'm still very much interested. I have a bad habit of leaving GW up at my computer without checking away. Sorry for this, will try to look out for your message. I do have you added.

Second Edit: Thank you for the trade!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2009

I still have the lock picks. And you never answer Fabbles, and you are not on away either. I've been trying to contact you 5 times while you've been online and you never answer. So they are still available.