55 Jade Wind orbs
2 Candy cane axe 10-10
1 Candy cane asword 10-10
3 Zehtuka's jugs
many map pieces
15 Candy cane Shards
11 Battle Commendations
14 Monstray Credits
1 Miniature Flowstone Elemental
1 Miniature Ventari
1 Miniature Seer
1 Grim cesta -50hp
1 Divine symbol -20hp
will sell only if i think its a fair price, reserve the right to sell in game.
IGN: walf hawk
WtS SomE CooL StufF
animal fighter
20k on ventari
10k on jade wind orbs
ign animal fighter x
10k on jade wind orbs
ign animal fighter x
8e magmas shield ign jupac shofar
vetari 35K
seer 15
Flowstone 20K
ign roxie mon
seer 15
Flowstone 20K
ign roxie mon
BUMP my thread BUMP my thread