PvE: Nightmare's Facade [FEAR] is recruiting SCers!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007

Nightmare's Facade [FEAR]

Hey everyone,

So essentially my friend and I decided to start a Speed Clear guild to resolve the issues of current SC guilds. At the end of the day, all SCers want to enter an area, clear it out and leave (that's what a SC is!). So, we started Nightmare's Facade [FEAR] to turn our ideas into something.

Instead of having a core team in the guild who runs faster times (than other guild groups), the guild will consist of a series of core teams. These teams will consist of 10 people (because we don't expect all of them to be online at the same time). These groups will do FoW, UW, Dungeon Runs and DoA together. The advantage of this team is as follows: when your average group fails a run, they will tell you what you did wrong, and the next run often doesn't happen. With a core team, if someone in the run fails, you run over and over with them, and because this team will become quite closely linked to your gaming experience, they will teach you the best way of doing the run. This leads to your overall gain of experience, and hopefully to an overall more enjoyable time in game.

If you need more information, PM me in game. Requirements at the moment are 1 area in FoW an 1 area in UW. This will bump up to 2 areas in FoW and 2 areas in UW and 2 dungeon runs once the member base is 50++. Vent is required by the ally we have been given a position in ([CrY] Ally).

PM one of the following:
Assassin Lambros (myself)
Isiss Moonbeam

Thanks for your time, we hope to see you in game

Edit (14/06/11): Over 40 members reached