Closed: PC on some Canthan item's

Enchanted Krystal

Enchanted Krystal

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2011

In a Kurzick retirement village, reminiscing about Magmas shields......

GW1 ???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????] ~ GW2 Teh Academy [PhD]


Looking to see if these are merch food or worthy of the auction house...

(Hand Axe skin looks pretty cool)

Thanks in advance.

*EDIT* This is the axe in question

More oppinions?

animal fighter

animal fighter

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2009

buying shields w/ armor vs animals

Animal Fightas Inc [?????????]

bo staff 15-20e or so
canthan hand axes are extremely rare so I'm not sure on this, but it could get quite a bit maybe
plagueborn sword I'd merch but salvage the mods especially 20% vs dragons



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2008


i would say alot less for the smite bo not a wanted attribute and not q9 (for collectors)...took me an age to sell a 20/20 q10 ...i would say more 50k for it.

the axe i just sold one for 15k with same stats, got a few more in storage.