Closed: Prophecies Tour


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2010

Social Darwinism [SaD]


looking for a run to all outposts + missions in Prophecies beyond Lion's Arch (including ascalon). Willing to pay a considerable amount. PM me on guru or in game.
IGN I Arya Stark I

Edit: thanks Paul

Chaos Overdose

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2011

Club of A Thousand Pandas [LOD倧]


I will also pay someone to give me these runs. IGN: Chaos Overdose

Miss Dervissh

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2011




How big is this considerably amount?
I can run it all, ETA ~2h 30min.

Just want to know if its worth the effort

IGN: Miss Dervissh


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2010

England, UK


I can run all of this, because I have no interest in gold I'd gladly do this for free. Feel free to hit me up with a message in game.

IGN: Il Paulleh Il (Desolated Dreams).

EDIT: Full Run Done.