PvE: The Highland Wolves [PACK]

Kaden Astrid

Kaden Astrid

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Brotherhood of the Chosen


PACK is a guild which is dedicated to P vs E with some small dabbling into the lighter side of P vs P such as JQ and Ft. Aspenwood battles. We are a group of adult players who have been gaming with each other over several years and have formed a small community of friends and family who are true Guild War fans and simply love to play the game. It is by far not a huge gaming hub and never will be. We take a different approach to the guild and would rather know our members and work together then belong to a group where people do not even know one another.

You'll find this small group of players involved in a lot of GW community events and at times hosting and helping plan those events. This is a guild where you will get to know your fellow members and it is also one guild that gives you what you put back into it. Numbers don't make a successful guild, trust and friendship however does.


We are always looking for new players to add to our circle of friends. If you are interested in joining stop by our forums and introduce yourself. You'll find a short FAQ there about us and if you have any questions we would be happy to answer those as well or game with you before you make up your mind about the guild.

Contact Information


In-Game Contacts:
Leader: Shadow Feathers
Officer: Kaden Astrid
Officer: Haldier the Fallen