Thread CLOSED.
Wanted to Sell entire lot @ 100g per point.
Offer in Zkeys or Ectos only.
0527 - crates of fireworks,3 pt
1088 - frosty tonics,2 pt
0361 - champ poppers,1 pt
0314 - sparklers,1 pt
0378 - rockets,1 pt
0250 - ghost boxes,1 pt
0390 - snowmen summons, 1 pt
0141 - squash serums, 1 pt
5591 total points.
This is a sale of the entire lot. DO NOT bid for portions or pieces.
pawning jock
ill buy all spammable @ 100g each
Ward Of Protection
Ward Of Protection
110g per spammable party point
IGN Magic Ling
IGN Magic Ling
I will buy the whole lot for 74 ectos
IGN : Jade Barrett
IGN : Jade Barrett