About me:
28-year-old English prof.
Married with a 1 y.o.
Been away from the game for a while...
Currently only play 15-25hrs/week
GW Info:
-Have characters in all classes, most through all campaigns with decent rep titles.
-Main has 36, no 37 (forgot survivor, heh), titles.
-Done DoA, UW, FoW, dungeon speed clears (all 1+ yrs ago, so rusty there)
-Hero R5, Champ R5
What I'm Looking For:
-NO APPLICATIONS (I will register to a website, just sick of apps)
-American/Euro mix
-HA and GvG interest (not experts)
-Some SC activity (dungeons would be cool)
-Several chest-running addicts
-A few Kamadan clowns to chat with on vent while trading.
Past Guilds:
trim, lod, gs, snow, afs
Send me a PM on Guru with some info about the guild AND a contact IGN
PvX Greets!
The Mountain