Closed: r9 Sunqua Old School


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2011

I couldn't find it in the forums, but the following are the stats:

Sunqua Blade *gold*
(max dmg) r9
15% while enchanted
*currently that's it but can take a hilt and sword pommel*

thank you for the replies

animal fighter

animal fighter

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2009

buying shields w/ armor vs animals

Animal Fightas Inc [?????????]

5kish but hard to sell...

the one you love to hate

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2008

Houston, TX---U.S.A

??? We Luv Ectos ??? .... [?????????] IGN: Balths Knight


ill offer the 5kish for it if you can't sell it... lol...

oh yeah 5kish sounds about right