Animal Fighta's Sale Perfect Emblazoned, 20/20 Forbidden Staff, Ornate Shields & More
animal fighter
hi I'm the Animal Fighta
I'm going to be adding more when I have time to do so, so be sure to look out!
look out
SH1 c/o=
SH2 c/o=sold
SH3 c/o= (note this shield is perfect for split on burning isle with +10vs fire and reduce cripple 20%, I will not be selling this cheap as I use it for that, and I have not seen another like it)
SH5 c/o=
SH6 c/o=
SH7 c/o=
SH8 c/o=
SH9 c/o=
SH10 c/o=sold
SH11 c/o=sold
SH12 c/o=sold
CA1 c/o=sold
CA2 c/o=
CA3 c/o=
CA4 c/o=
CA5 c/o=
CA6 c/o=30e - lynette le sange b/o=50e
CA7 c/o=
WA1 c/o=
WA2 c/o=
WA3 c/o=
WA4 c/o=
WA5 c/o=
WA6 c/o=
WA7 c/o=
WA8 c/o=
WA9 c/o=
WA10 c/o=
WA11 c/o=
WA12 c/o=
WA13 c/o=
WA14 c/o=
more to come shortly, since my b/o's were too high or nobody wanted my stuff in my previous thread, feel free to offer.
I'm going to be adding more when I have time to do so, so be sure to look out!
look out
SH1 c/o=
SH2 c/o=sold
SH3 c/o= (note this shield is perfect for split on burning isle with +10vs fire and reduce cripple 20%, I will not be selling this cheap as I use it for that, and I have not seen another like it)
SH5 c/o=
SH6 c/o=
SH7 c/o=
SH8 c/o=
SH9 c/o=
SH10 c/o=sold
SH11 c/o=sold
SH12 c/o=sold
CA1 c/o=sold
CA2 c/o=
CA3 c/o=
CA4 c/o=
CA5 c/o=
CA6 c/o=30e - lynette le sange b/o=50e
CA7 c/o=
WA1 c/o=
WA2 c/o=
WA3 c/o=
WA4 c/o=
WA5 c/o=
WA6 c/o=
WA7 c/o=
WA8 c/o=
WA9 c/o=
WA10 c/o=
WA11 c/o=
WA12 c/o=
WA13 c/o=
WA14 c/o=
more to come shortly, since my b/o's were too high or nobody wanted my stuff in my previous thread, feel free to offer.
Matrix Arcade
5e emblazoned
Hai animal fighter.
Hai animal fighter.
Oy Roy
10e on CA6
IGN: Tah Hah
IGN: Tah Hah
15e on CA6
IGN: Less Than
IGN: Less Than
Enchanted Krystal
fireworks + bottle rockets + Champagne poppers = 11k
IGN Enchanted Krystal
IGN Enchanted Krystal
Oy Roy
20e on CA6
interested in b/o
interested in b/o
Lynette Le Sange
30e CA6
... also cake! 5k ea
... also cake! 5k ea
animal fighter
36 creme brulees
2 delicious cakes
181 candy corn
166 candy apples
56 slices of pumpkin pie
45 hard apple ciders
55K ign:roxie mon
2 delicious cakes
181 candy corn
166 candy apples
56 slices of pumpkin pie
45 hard apple ciders
55K ign:roxie mon
old gray dude
hi ill go 50k just for the apples and candy corn
Black Flame Phoenix
I buy hard apple cinder 500g each, candy apple and candy corn 200g each
animal fighter
bumppppppppppppppppppppp. contacting peiples
animal fighter
bump added an everlaster rurik
animal fighter
bump my account is being compromised
animal fighter
bump rump hehehehheeheheheheh
animal fighter
ash ash ash ash ash ash
8e on SH12
ign Avarice Terris
ign Avarice Terris
animal fighter
10e on emblazoned.........
Jason Xll
B/o on SH12 please.
I'd bid 20e on SH12 if you want to keep it going
Jason Xll
I'll take the Exalted, Emblazoned, q12Ornate and Embossed please.
Ty for the trade.
Ty for the trade.
animal fighter
bump sold some things to jason, nice guy
animal fighter
animal fighter
bump rump bump hump
50k on SH7, please PM with B/O
IGN: Forsaken Templar
IGN: Forsaken Templar
animal fighter
Saxxon Askanius
WA1 - 20k if Canthan skin
WA3 - 15k
WA3 - 15k
animal fighter