Jason's Sale[req8s, Minis, Tonics, oldschool]
Jason Xll
SOLD to Aerus Morgal
SOLD to Händler
S/b - 20e
C/o - 35e by marmar256
B/o - 70e
Evil Eye
SOLD to Bahamuts Wut
Summit Axe
SOLD to The Mountain
EL Zhed Tonic
SOLD Ingame
The Low End section is B/o only.
#1 - 20k
#2 - 25k
#3 - 4k
#4 - 20k
#5 - 18k
#6 - 25k
#7 - SOLD to Kabong
#8 - SOLD to Balin Loholt
#9 - SOLD to Balin Loholt
Feel free to contact me via PM or ingame.
Thank you for looking.
Jason Xll
s/b naga
750e on gothic
The Mountain
s/b dadao and summit
Jason Xll
Bump, all offers greatly appreciated. I look forward to further bidding.
o m g pizowned
30e @ the dadao
Jan Breydel
25e summit axe
Aerus Morgal
800e on gothic
Jason Xll
Another bump please! Thank you for offers so far
Jason Xll
Bump! Guru finally up again
850e gothic....... all rights reserved
Balin Loholt
I take bo on Break hammer(25K) and Grim Cesta(5K)
IGN Balin Loholt
IGN Balin Loholt
#8 - 32k
Miniature Jora
IGN: Jeska Windreaver
Miniature Jora
IGN: Jeska Windreaver
The Mountain
30e on the summit
Jason Xll
Another bump please.
teh bestest is here
wingblade+300e on the gothic
Bahamuts Wut
50e on the req 8 10/10 Evil Eye Staff - would be a fine Staff for my little collection
Jason Xll
Bump! Thank you all for bidding
b/o crude
thx for quick trade
thx for quick trade
Jason Xll
Another bump please. Keep the bids coming!
Jason Xll
Bump .
Aerus Morgal
950e on gothic
ign: altair morgal
ign: altair morgal
Jason Xll
Bump, thanks for the bid Pretty close to my reserve price!
Jason Xll
Bump! Good day today, sold quite a few things, thank you to all buyers for a fair deal
Jason Xll
Bump .
Jason Xll
Last bump! .
35e Dadao
Saxxon Askanius
Dadao - 40e