I need a PC really fast... like REALLY FAST!
R7 [Gold] Gladius 15-22
Dmg +15%
Answer supplied, ty. CLOSED.
Closed: R7 Gladius +15/-5
Knovo Caine
K two Assassin
Honest PC
Seen it, used to own it, etc.
Honest PC
Seen it, used to own it, etc.
o m g pizowned
i bought it for 130e, sold it for 150e...and its been resold about 5 more times in the past month
Jason Xll
120e or so, possibly a bit more if it hadn't been resold so many times...
K two Assassin
Possibly more. The item originated from Joe is Beastly, I bought it, & so on. Each person has had a b/o for 200-250e and it has always been lowered.