Just Started


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2006


Well, I just started this game 2 days ago, now i figured i'd find some forum and type everyone's eyes off...
I'm running the game on a computer that has broadband, but only 256k RAM, so the games runs really... slowly... in towns and during big battles. (its still playable though) Because of the lag, i figured it would be better to play a solo character. (until i get another much-deserved comp) I started with a W/Mo and am now lvl 6. I'm starting to think that i really made the WRONG decision in deciding to stick with hammers as my weapon, and i'm not sure Mo is the best subclass for soloing. I guess these are my real questions:

Is it really possible to change your secondary class and change around your attributes, so, essentially, i could entirely rebuild my character without penalty? (i keep hearing this)

Can someone point me in the right direction for a reliable, very resilient, good damage dealing W build?

Thx for putting up with my noobity


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Actually, Monk is the best class for soloing, by far. At low levels, Healing Breeze, Vigorous Spirit, Shielding Hands, and Mending are enough to keep you alive for quite a while if you're a Warrior primary.

You can change your secondary class, but not until much later in the game. There are several quests in the Crystal Desert to do that, but you won't have access to them until you're level 20.

You can change your attributes points around at any time in a town.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where do you live?

Elite Mercenary Legion

depending on warrior kind u want like i use swrds which isnt bad but dont get as many skills as hammers and axes but still good choice axes deal sum good dmg and hammers are good to but low def it all depends on wut ur playin
cus ur not doin pvp u cud choose either wepon just pick wut ever suits ur interest



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Worthing, UK

(Don't fear) The Beaver

Axes are quite popular for warrior monks, mainly because of the effect of cyclone axe with various monk regenerative spells. Best bet is to muck about with your stats in town and see which one you like best really.




Join Date: May 2005


If your looking for warrior builds, and don't mind doing some reading then I'd suggest digging through the Warrior build forums we have on GWG ->


There's a lot of PvP & Farming build's there, but plenty of advise about builds, skills, etc that you might find useful.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Where do you live?

Elite Mercenary Legion

did u c my name in that list that kamatsu listed in her link? thats right that was me =)