Here is the current list.
Most are best offer, some I have set a price on.
The List, in no certain order..
3 Whiptail Devourers
1 Dredge Brute
1 Terrorweb Dryder
1 Raptor
2 Forest Minotaurs
3 Mandragor Imps
1 Cave Spider
1 Burning Titan
1 Irukandji
1 Juggernaut
1 Ooze
Bone Dragon
1 Candysmith Marley - 9e/63k
IGN is Truly Dervish; I can nearly always be found in the Active district of Kamadan.
Selling Assorted Unded Miniatures
Master Astaldo
Mandragor Imp – 2k
Forest Minotaur – 6k
Irukandji – 6k
Burning Titan – 7k
IGN: Master Astaldo
Forest Minotaur – 6k
Irukandji – 6k
Burning Titan – 7k
IGN: Master Astaldo