I've taken a liking to fow, and I wanna branch out to the speedclear side of it. I have a sin (who has the builds for t1/2/maintank and 100b), I have a dervish (almost able to run the vos build), I have a mesmer (for mesway), monk (has the build), rit (has the build), and necro (has the build) so as you can see, I'm more the ready to hit the road and start learning. If I'm accepted into a fowsc guild (or sc guild in general), there's no doubt I will be on any and all runs that I can possibly get on, I will not let you down in participation

So why not give me a chance and contact me in game: Lilian Minastri
Looking foward to tanking and spanking fow!!!
(also, will learn any and all speedclears you are willing to teach

Or if by contacting me in game doesn't necessarily appeal to your liking, feel free to leave a message here on this thread, thank you.