Rough idea for caster support team


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2011


Was wondering if this somewhat rough, basic concept would work; the idea is to support this build (or an alternative air ele build without AP, if that's viable at all):

Not really optimal even for a start, was mostly just trying to figure out a way to get a lot of energy and push a lot of damage.

Is this basic concept viable for hard areas? Haven't really gotten to them yet as I'm still kind of new, but thinking about builds at work seems to keep me sane.




Join Date: Jun 2011

It would help a little if you put the builds in paw·ned² or took a screen shot of the bar in game. I'm only saying this because I'm too lazy to copypasta the codes.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2007


Or do a direct link to gwpvx and the decode link - sayin that i think gwpvx is still down


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2011


Not really sure how to work the paw ned program... link to screen shot in there now if anyone has any input.