King Adelbern- Gold Year 4- S/B 45k - C/O 45k (Master Astaldo) SOLD
Jungle Troll - S/B 750g -C/O 1k (Boo)
Juggernaut- S/B 1.5k
Mandragor Imp- S/B 1.5k
Eye of Janthir -Green Year 5- S/B 40k
Shiro-Gold Year 2- S/B 10k
Burning Titan- S/B 4k
Jora- S/B 18k
Nian -S/B 13k
Nornbear-S/B 10k
Freezie S/B 10k
Cloudtouched Simian- S/B 3k
Fungal Wallow- S/B 500g
Irukandji- S/B 3k
Krait Neoss- S/B 10k
Juggernaut- S/B 1k
Aatxe- S/B 1k
Raptor- S/B 3k
Wind Rider- S/B 1k
Mandragor Imp- S/B 1k
I used this as a guideline for pricing, I halved prices for dedicated pets. If you feel that the price is too high feel free to correct my pricing.
IGN: Atara Ars Namadra
Minipet Sale!
Atara Ars Namadra
Jungle Troll - 1k
ign: Rose Mincrisar / Black King
or PM here to log in
ign: Rose Mincrisar / Black King
or PM here to log in
Master Astaldo
Adelbern - s/b (45k)
IGN: Master Astaldo
IGN: Master Astaldo
Atara Ars Namadra
BUmp! I'll update the first post with current offers and buyer's names
Atara Ars Namadra
Baaaaaamp for great justice. Adelbern is sold
me again, is ok Jungle Troll - 3k ?
if not, tell me b/o and i'll offer or try to find it anywhere else
ign: Rose Mincrisar / Black King
or PM here to log in
if not, tell me b/o and i'll offer or try to find it anywhere else
ign: Rose Mincrisar / Black King
or PM here to log in
Atara Ars Namadra
Yup it's fine!
Final BUMP!
I'll whisper you in game if I see you online I've been looking for you but never found ya
Final BUMP!
I'll whisper you in game if I see you online I've been looking for you but never found ya