Mox, Goren and Sosuke tonics
king adelbern
black beast of argh
palwa joko
roaring ether
cloudtouched simian
krait neoss
terrorweb dryder
burning titan
fire imp
Faithful Athiest in game (most likely)
WTS el tonics x3, unded minis
10e on mox
IGN Oicurai Worm
IGN Oicurai Worm
October Jade
15k Palawa Joko
16k Krait Neoss
ign Jasmine Vale
16k Krait Neoss
ign Jasmine Vale
15e on mox tonic
25k each on beast and king
25k each on beast and king
20e on mox
Nick Sizzle
Nick Sizzle
t/os, I will try and contact folks today to buy stuff if I get no more offers.