My hacked account


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2011

So I made an account in 2006. I played till 2008/2009 and quit. I'm trying to rejoin now and my account was hacked shortly after quitting. They changed the e-mail address and password and ALL the information v.v

I submitted a support ticket and found out that the account is not linked to a Master account (I never did but neither did the hacker) and that all the info I provided of the orginal account info was correct but it is all changed now. They have a different e-mail, password, address, phone #, Date of birth, and everything :\

I provided the NCSoft Support team all the information before the account was changed. Its all 100% correct and I had that confirmed on the phone. I provided one access key to my Nightfall out of the Four campagins. Unfornately I don't have the rest. I even called with the same phone number that was orginally registered to the account. I have called 3 times now v.v

Support is giving me the run around and asking me questions that should not matter :\ I know they have to verify I am the orginal owner but I don't know what more I can give. I even told them the Serials by the Barcode and where I bought each campagin.

My ticket was forwarded to the Supervisor but he toke 27 hours to ask 2 questions that are so trivial. This was all after I called twice! I feel he didn't even read or care about my issue :\

I have no clue what more I can do, Do you guys know?

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Nothing. We are not ArenaNet. Continue following up with support because they're the ones there to help you. Also try the new support forums (there's a link on the Official Website) if you're really getting nowhere.

Given we can't help you, closed.