PvX LF active guild for mainly PvE/light PvP (teaches PvP)

Madruk Dhuum

Madruk Dhuum

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2010


Hi. I'm looking for a mature, nice, active guild that has events planned daily or at least every other day, that does Underworld full clears at least once a week (because I do love me some UW!) but also does other areas in the game like the Deep, FoW, Urgoz, etc. Guild alliance doesn't matter much to me, I have more Luxon rank than Kurzick but I really don't care which side I end up on. However, I do not wish to join a guild that requires faction farming.

I also want to learn a little about PvP, and so would be grateful if your guild did some of it and would be willing to teach me. I'd prefer to learn GvG but anything is nice really.

I have obligations and things to deal with IRL and would appreciate a guild that does not demand my presence for the greater part of the day, every day. I try to be active every day but I cannot always guarantee that will happen. If I need to be away for any extended period I will always explain why. I would also prefer a guild that does not force me to use Teamspeak/Vent. I understand using it during an event, but please do not expect me to hang around on it the entire time I am logged into the game.

Most of all, I want a nice group of people to play with and a guild to call "home". If you feel like you can provide that, please PM me.

EDIT: I have found a guild!