Welcome to my store,
S/B - Starting Bid
R/B - Reserve Bid
B/o - buy out
C/o - Current Offer
* - Enchantment Mod
^ - Energy Mod
Voltaic Spears
q9 ^ Dyed Blue
B/o 50e
Sold 45e - Kill The Noob in game
q10 ^* Dyed Black
B/o 37e
Sold in game
q11 Dyed Brown
B/o 32e
Sold 28e In game Linaca Anroca
q12 ^ Dyed Black
B/o 26e
SOLD ingame 25e - Killer Of Legends
Eternal Blades
q13 ^*
b/o 40e
SOLD - Lady Aellina, will contact you as soon as your online, my IGN is in my guild slot of my profile ;-)
Obsidian Edge
b/o 56e
c/o -
Froggy Scepters
Q13 Blood 20/20
B/o 27e
c/o -
No BDS available at this time.
Post offers + IGN here.
- will be updated with new items daily (i hope)
Stone's High End Store: Voltaic Spears, Obsidion Edges, BDS, Froggies ,Eternal blades
falco lombardo
30e on the eblade
IGN: falco lombardo
IGN: falco lombardo
35e, q9 Voltaic
Nahemah of Babylon
Nahemah of Babylon
b/o Q 13 E-Blade 40e
IGN = Lady Aellina
IGN = Lady Aellina
40e on q9 vs
coast monk
coast monk
added new item
pawning jock
45e on obby edge
ward of protection
ward of protection