Lost Souls - Fendi


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2011

I'm doing the Quest Lost souls (for several hours off and on now). When I die on Fendi (since by then I have -60 dp and die in one hit), does he reset? I mean, if I keep running back to him over and over, kill fendi then die on the next guy.... will I eventually get this done?

I know he only stays in the soul state for 30 seconds. I have yet figured out if I die while he's in the soul state, if the entire battle starts from scratch.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

You must kill the Soul of Fendi Nin in order to complete the dungeon & quest. (So you cannot continue killing his normal form and die at the soul if you want to complete the quest)

The Soul of Fendi Nin has no natural regeneration, so you can continue off where you left him when you kill Fendi's normal form. Fendi will return to his normal form no matter where you are in ~30 seconds.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2011


It sucks to be in that situation, especially in HM. Luring him to fire helps.

Long as you have DP removal, you will eventually beat him



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2008

Ign: Miniature Julia

Teh Academy[PhD]


as above, killing Soul = complete, so yeah, you can dmg soul, die, redo