PvE: LF Speed Clear Guild



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007



Hello all.

I am looking for a guild that does sc's. Preferably DoA and FoW.

I like dungeon and uw sc's as well but they just have not interested me as much. I like the money from DoA and the laidbackness of FoW .

I haven't done sc's in a long time. Maybe 6-8 months. So I am really looking for a guild that is ok with a noob and is willing to teach me all the new builds. I have started doing FoWSC's this week although because I am not at home I have only done 3. I have done the mop caller in it. I am more interested in using my sin though. It has been a long time since I have used my sin in sc's though so I am trying to start out slow and work my way back to tanking.

Professions available for SC's:
I have a warrior and rit that I could get setup for fow but since I since I have all the other professions needed for fowsc I am not really to excited about setting my warrior up

If you are interested in exact positions I have played in certain sc's feel free to pm me and ask. However, I can say mostly it is as a sin.

Mostly I want to get into DoA over any of the others. I setup a Mesmer for DoA and then my guild stopped training and require a bunch of experience to come on the runs. So I never actually got to do it. I think all I am missing from it would be the 40/40 set because I never actually got around to buying one and then stopped since they weren't willing to take me.

I could probably setup for just about any sc it is just a matter of having people willing to show me how to do them.

My past experience is in FoW, Kath, Bogroots, Rragar's, and SoO. As well as a little bit of DoA way back when necro FoC spikers were used lol. However, like I said before I haven't done sc's in a long time so my experience doesn't say much lol.

I feel as though I am a decent player and once I get into a rhythm I should pick up on sc's pretty quickly because I did do them a lot and for a long time its just a matter of getting back into it.

I work Mon and Wed night at 3. Fri, Sat, Sun morning until 4-5 pm. My work schedule does tend to change but other then those times I should be on and able to take part in any activities going on.

I would prefer a guild that uses vent and is American because I am in the eastern time zone.

IGN Melony Songbringer