WTS OS 20/10 Bo, Celestial, Dragon
All items are oldschool perfect.
R9 illusion 20/10 Bo Staff
c/o: 60k cataphract
b/o: tbd
R9 Spawning 20/10 Dragon Staff (not bds)
R9 Air 20/10 Celestial Staff
c/o: 50k wstd
b/o: tbd
R11 Smite 20% Heal +5e^50 dual inherint mismatch Celestial Scepter
c/o: 14e in game
b/o: tbd
I reserve all rights. Not selling lowballed keep that in mind as you bid
R9 illusion 20/10 Bo Staff
c/o: 60k cataphract
b/o: tbd
R9 Spawning 20/10 Dragon Staff (not bds)
R9 Air 20/10 Celestial Staff
c/o: 50k wstd
b/o: tbd
R11 Smite 20% Heal +5e^50 dual inherint mismatch Celestial Scepter
c/o: 14e in game
b/o: tbd
I reserve all rights. Not selling lowballed keep that in mind as you bid
Lynette Le Sange
25k on mismatched scepter
IGN: Lynette Le Sange
IGN: Lynette Le Sange
Wisdom Steals
50k illu bo
rules of a sin
rules of a sin
10e/75k Spawning Dragon
Zhinu Soulweaver
Zhinu Soulweaver
60k Illusion req Bo
Wisdom Steals
70k illu bo....
100k Illusion BO
Same IGN
Same IGN
Wisdom Steals
Retracting. Looking back at your previous posts you have put this thread up three times now with the same items after closing the previous as your not happy with bids. As i said previously i feared you were overpricing your items and asked to know numbers you had in mind and your only response was to insult me. I can't look at you as an honorable salesman and for that reason I am out.
dragons den.
dragons den.
20e, Spawning Dragon
bump, updated offers, keep em comin.
50k air celestial
IGN - pm me
IGN - pm me
bump and updated